We at City of Refuge Church (CoRC) believe in the importance of giving and generosity in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We encourage our congregation to give through both teaching and example. As a church, we support various missions on the local, national, and global levels. For more information on the missions we support, click here.

As a church, we give away at least 10% of our income to various missions, causes, and charities. We believe in tithing – the giving of 10% of all our increase to God – and use this biblical principle as a foundation for generosity. We believe that tithing is best is done through the local church, and we encourage those who attend our church to tithe, though it is not a requirement to attend. We believe that it is God who speaks to the hearts of His people and directs them best in how to give, and His word gives us guidelines (e.g. tithing, offerings, alms) to help us understand His will. Tithing is not required to receive services from the church such as counseling, prayer, access to attend church functions, etc., but we do require that candidates for church leadership positions be consistent tithers.

The CoRC board is responsible for properly stewarding church finances in a way that honors and obeys God and does not waste what He has placed into our hands. No one person has control over the church finances; we believe this is a safeguard against theft and fraud. As a 501(c)(3) charity, we maintain public disclosure of required financial documents and comply with all state and federal regulations regarding the handling of church finances. We also hold a yearly congregational meeting in which we report on the financial state of the church. Any questions about church finances can be directed to the CoRC board.

As a 501(c)(3) charity, donations to City of Refuge Church are tax deductible. Specifics on tax deduction laws can be obtained from a tax preparation professional.